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Hi!  We're Joel and Dee Florence. (That's us in New Orleans for our daughter's wedding!)


Sayso! is a product born of more than 28 years of serving the Lord. He has been very good to us. We know how far the Lord has brought us in what now seems to be a short time.


For many years as Christians we didn't understand the importance of simply receiving the fullness of God's Grace. Naively,we stood for years waiting for God's perfect will to happen. We hoped and prayed and did church, but had the lingering question of when this 'perfect will' would arrive.  Then we began learning the Word of Faith message, which changed our perspective of how God's blessing is not about religion - it's about forming a personal relationship with God.


Amidst a whirlwind of half a dozen major life moments compacted into less than 2 years, we began resting in what Christ provided on the cross. We started chatting with God and speaking His Word. Then we started speaking the word directly to the mountains in front of us. Every trial met became a clear victory and testimony that God gave us His best - at our request.


Joel is the Word guy. He has been ministering since we got married in 1990 (which by the way, that announcement came after the rings were on so I think he wanted to make sure I would hang around).


Creative is Dee and the Holy Ghost. Dee's sister calls Him 'the silent partner' (thank you Lord, you have not been silent).


With His guidance we declare SaySo is a product that ministers. We're speaking to 'mature' Christians, stop waiting; and to new Christians, don't hold back! Grab hold of the promises of God, utilize faith's building blocks of scripture, and SaySo!


We hope SaySo helps keep the Word at your fingertips. Check out the links below to amazing ministries whose teaching has brought new life to our walk with God. Be blessed!


The Word works!

​​Joel & Dee


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